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Melrose Avenue Resource Centre
(The MARC)

The MARC (Melrose Avenue Resource Centre) and Frank Moran Centre is at Melrose Avenue,
Bletchley, MK3 6PA

Tel No: 01908 370348

The MARC | West Bletchley Parish Council

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Melrose Avenue Resource Centre
(The MARC) & Frank Moran Centre

Please call 01908 370348 for more information

The Centre is open Monday to Friday 9am - 4 pm. The MARC and Frank Moran Centre, Melrose Avenue, is open to residents for free internet access and use of PCs. Residents are welcome to drop-in for tea or coffee, meet friends or make new ones! Friendly staff are on hand for support throughout the week.  If there are specific needs or help you need, we can enable you to access organisations that have the skills and capacity to support you. You can also collect dog waste bags.


Monday to Friday residents can join up to UK Online to learn computer skills.MK Community Bank information is available at The MARC, forms can be downloaded.
Tuesdays 10am-12pm
MK Money Life Line
Tuesdays 10am-12pm
Job Club
Tuesdays 6pm-7pm
Meet your Councillors

Frank Moran Centre

Mondays 10am - 12.30pm
Franks 55+ drop in (Quiz)
Mondays 1pm - 3pm
The MARC Crafters
Tuesday 10am - 12pm
Job Club
Tuesday 10am - 12pm
MK Money Lifeline budget and debt advice
Thursdays 10am-12:30pm
Franks 55+ drop in (Bingo & Raffle)
Friday 11am - 3pm
Lunch Club - Booking required (Bingo, Raffle, Food)
Every other Saturday 10am - 12pm
Franks Top-Up Shop
Enquire by calling 01908 370 348
Breakfast and Afterschool Club

The MARC Food Bank

The MARC is a Food Bank collection point. Food Bank vouchers can be collected from The MARC during opening hours.

Frank Moran Luncheon Club

The Frank Moran Centre run a luncheon club for our older MK3 residents. Friday, 11am – 3pm at the Frank Moran Centre.

Members enjoy a 2 course meal as well as bingo and chatting with each other.  There is a criteria and costs £5.50 to attend.

For more info. on how to join and costs involved call the Frank Moran Centre: 01908 370 348.

The 55+ Club

All over 55s are welcome to come along to the Frank Moran Centre on Mondays and Thursdays to meet up for tea, coffee and a chat.

Some members of the group meet up and go for lunch once a month. Sometimes guest speakers come along to Franks to speak on issues affecting the over 55s.

Living in the Moment

West Bletchley Councils Offices every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month

Please call 01908 370 348 for more information.