West Bletchley
Council Opening Hours:
9:30am to 4pm, Monday to Friday
9:30am to 4pm, Monday to Friday
Rickley Lane / Shenley Road
Church Green Area
Whalley Drive Area
Bletchley Park Area / Sherwood Drive
Melrose Area
All Whaddon Way
Scots Estate
Counties Estate
Tattenhoe Lane
Hunstanton Area
Windmill Hill Drive
Between the end of March and the end of October the grass will be cut approximately once every 2/3 weeks, although this may be varied subject to weather conditions and the length of the grass.
Unfortunately, we cannot ask for the removal of grass cuttings as the cost of collecting and transporting grass plus the specialist machinery needed would be both time consuming and expensive. Although all arisings should be removed from footpaths by our Service partner.
Locations where grass areas have been planted with bulbs e.g. Daffodils and Crocus will not be cut back until the leaves have started to die back, usually 6-8 weeks after flowering.This is good gardening practice as it ensures bulbs will produce flowers the following year. Unfortunately these areas can become untidy in the interim.
Grass cutting is too large a scale operation to only proceed in optimum conditions, although it will be suspended in wet conditions when the likelihood of causing damage or operator safety outweighs the cutting priorities.
This encourages the return of wild flora and fauna to our open spaces. Also land use can help determine how long grass should be, for example more formal areas require shorter grass.
West Bletchley Council are currently looking into alternative methods to chemical weed spraying.
Coppicing is the process of cutting back woody plants to approximately 100-150mm (4-6 inches) above ground level and allowing the stump or stool to re-grow. Most coppicing is carried out in the dormant season as the plants quickly re-grow when spring arrives.
Landscape plantings are designed and planted to soften the built environment rather than to act as a security or privacy barrier . Plants are living, ever-changing organisms and consequently do not have the static qualities, such as those of a fence, required for such a purpose.
If anything the opposite will be true. Air quality is normally improved around trees, shrubs and grass. Leaves filter the air we breathe by removing dust and other particulates.
Hedges are cut back on an annual basis, although hedgerow maintenance is restricted by law. Therefore if a hedgerow is believed to be the home to nesting birds, we will be unable to carry out works until the birds have vacated. Usually this period is between the months of April - July.
Our service delivery partner will lift tree branches above 2m on footways and 5m on highways. Any other tree works and inspections would be carried out by Milton Keynes Council who have responsibility for all trees in West Bletchley.