West Bletchley
Council Opening Hours:
9:30am to 4pm, Monday to Friday
9:30am to 4pm, Monday to Friday
At its meeting held on 7th November 2019 Milton Keynes Council formally considered the Salden Chase Highways Application (Ref:15/00619/FUL). It refused the application on the following grounds:
“that in the opinion of the Local Authority there is insufficient evidence to mitigate the harm of this development in terms of increased traffic flow and impact on the highway and Grid Road network, with specific reference to Standing Way and Buckingham Road, thus this will be in contravention of Policies CT1 and CT2 (A1) of Plan:MK.”
The applicant subsequently appealed against this decision and the Planning Inspectorate advised that a Public Inquiry would be held to consider the appeal. The appeal started in May 2021 and has now ended.
We regret to advise that the Appeal Decision has now been published and confirms that planning permission is granted for the Salden Chase Highways Planning Application (Ref: 15/00619/FUL). Attached is a copy of the Decision Notice for your information.
Please continue to check our website for further information.