Neighbourhood Plan Review Public Consultation
As we previously advised West Bletchley Council had secured funding and appointed a Steering Committee to support the review and extension of the West Bletchley Neighbourhood Plan.
The current plan adopted in 2019 covers the period 2016 to 2026. The Plan includes a series of policies and proposals to protect and enhance the character of and provision of homes, jobs and other services in the parish. It does this through a number of land-use policies which address specific sites and set out general planning principles and criteria to guide new development in the parish.
A review of the Neighbourhood Plan’s evidence base and policies has been undertaken and we are proposing to make a number of changes to the policies and background information of the current plan. These changes will update the national and local policy context for the Neighbourhood Plan; improve the clarity of certain policies to ensure that they are effective when dealing with planning proposals in the area and reflect the changing priorities of West Bletchley Council.
A consultation on the draft revised plan took place from Monday 2 September 2024 and closed on Thursday 31 October 2024.
All comments received were read and considered and further changes were made to the draft revised neighbourhood plan.
A final version of the draft Neighbourhood Plan has been submitted to Milton Keynes City Council (MKCC)in accordance with Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Plans (General) Regulations 2012.
MKCC have now published the modifications to the Neighbourhood plan for a period of consultation after which the Plan and any comments received will be considered by an independent planning examiner. The West Bletchley Neighbourhood Plan is available for comments for six weeks between Friday 14 March and Friday 25 April 2025.
The Modifications to the Neighbourhood Plan and accompanying documents are available to view on the MKCC Neighbourhood Planning webpage at West BletchleyNeighbourhood Plan | Milton Keynes City Council
Please send your comments on the submitted Modifications to the West Bletchley Neighbourhood Plan before 5pm on Friday 25 April 2025 by email to: or in writing to: Planning and Placemaking, Milton Keynes City Council,Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ. Please be aware that all comments MKCC receive will be publicly available and may be included on our website.
Hard copies of the draft plan and appendices are available to view at the Council offices on Whaddon Way by prior appointment.
We hope to have the new updated Neighbourhood Plan in place mid-2025.
The current, adopted West Bletchley Neighbourhood Plan can be viewed at current West Bletchley Neighbourhood Plan
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